
Travel and Tourism Procedure of Thomson

University: UK college of Business and computing

  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 24 / Words 6076
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: K/601/0941
  • Downloads: 978
Organization Selected : Thomson
Question :

This assessment will cover certain questions which are like:

  1. Evaluate the project selection and the functions of the company.
  2. Give the effective research and the investigation through which the outlining measures are being taken.
  3. Provide all the appropriate areas and the measures through which growth is sustained.
Answer :


The aim of assessment is to analyze utilization of social media marketing to derive influence of digital advancement of travel and tourism business. In this researcher will derive use of methodological tools which helped the researcher in managing systematic flow of study. Further, it will outline thematic analysis to outlined views of sampled participants in form of critical discussion. Travel and tourism is one of the fastest growing industry that assist to provide higher growth in a economy for development procedure (Abubakar and Ilkan, 2016).

This research is based on influence of information technological on travelling and tourism sector. This is a most effective and impactful procedure that aid to provide appropriate information to visitors on the bases of their requirement and need. Through this, Thomson which is a tourism sector organization can easily get higher benefits to maximize number of visitors at their specific location.


1.1 Formulate and record possible project outline specification

Overview –

Now a days, each and every industry wants to implement information technology in their business procedure to maximise profitability and growth in effective manner. In travel and tourism sector, transformational has major impact because through their they can easily provide accurate information to their visitors and tourists (Edelman, Jaffe and Kominers, 2016). Some of the inbound and outbound tourists are want to get proper information of several offers and services that are provided by different tourism organisation in a country. Main objective of these procedure to build direct direct connection of tourist with their authenticate destination.

Aim - 

To analyse the role of utilising social media marketing for expanding leisure tourism – A case Study on Thomson, UK”.

Research Objectives:

  • To determine the role of social media marketing for enhancing number of leisure tourist
  • To identify the impact of social media marketing on various tourist segmentation
  • To determine the relationship between social media marketing and increase in tourist

Research questions:

  • What is the role of social media marketing in order to expand number of tourist?
  • What will be the impact of social media marketing on various tourist segmentation?
  • What is a relationship between social media marketing with increase of number of tourist?

1.2 Factors that contribute to the process of project selection

Research is that which is considered as complex job because it needs to be done in proper manner for minimising the problems and issues which comes in between success of project completion. There are several steps which is required to be followed for conducting an research in better structure and it is followed as:

  • Introduction: It is the first step in which appropriate project title is chose through which aims and objectives are taken out. Although it is important to have such because it helped in continue for further research and investigation with suitable data and information. This is most difficult task for researchers that to select particular topic and defined it to complete the research project in well manner.
  • Literature review: It is said to be a search and evaluating the available literature in the given subject. In other words, a literature review refer to scholarly paper which do include the various current knowledge that also involve meaningful findings and methodological contribution on a specific topic in great way. Even, various viewpoints are considered in this of specialist person as well (Giaoutzi, 2017). literature review mat be considered as the type of review article and scholar paper where included current knowledge and substantive findings regarding project. It contributes more to the topic with the help of theoretical and methodological knowledges as well. Literature review is known as secondary sources which support in finding more relevant data and information by different views of authors, writers as well as philosopher.   
  • Research methodology: It refers to some particular procedures or modern techniques which needs to determine, select and process that has to analyse needed topic. In this section of research project a people can evaluate a overall study and its reliability in perfect way. It is being used to make an proper decision in organization. This part includes as publication research, interviews, surveys and other techniques which could make it for both present and the historical interpretation. Research methodology play vital in completion of particular project with an appropriate manner. In a research paper, methodology section allow to reader for critically evaluating a specific study with validity and reliability as well. It is considered as the science of study in which defined that how research is to be conducted. 
  • Data analysis: This is considered to be a most needed part in research project, basically with the help of analysis organization can make it proper strategy and decision. Therefore, analysis is done on views of people which was collected with the help of research and useful part is used by firm and according to such proper working is done (Huang and et. al., 2016). data analysis is defined as the procedure in which all information or relevant data are to be inspected, cleaned, transformed as well as modelled for the purpose of discovering appropriate information and drawing conclusion that facilitates in decision making process.   
  • Recommendation and conclusion: This is the last step performed in research project, in this a recommendation is provided in form of suggestion to company after analysing as where the company is lacking off. Is there any need of change is determined with analysing information from above. In last, the whole research is concluded as what is being included and understood with the entire study. In this appropriate suggestions and recommendation are to be given after conducting research and analysing problems. Researcher draw a conclusion for after analysing and evaluating study so that ultimate solutions can be framed. 

1.3 Critical review of key references

This section provide specific information on the bases of authors views and their described points. These points can be -

Role of social media marketing in order to expand number of tourist -

According to Kuo and Chuang, (2016) Now a days each and every individual is highly connected with social networking sites to getting proper information in specific manner. In travel and tourism sector, social media platform has vast impact because through this they can get proper information on each and every topic that they wants to known. Travel and tourism is referred to be a one of the most important segment of economy. The major influence of travel and tourism sector can be identified through their contribution in the GDP of the country and employee opportunities which are being offered to people. Some of the social media channels as Twiter and Facebook help to provide effective information to tourist on the bases of their effective requirement need.

Impact of social media marketing on various tourist segmentation -

As per the views of Pappas, (2016) Social media has vast impact on different tourist segmentation. It provide direct information to them on the bases of  their requirement and need. All the tourist has different motive for getting their specific target. In this procedure, social media platform provide effectiveness through -

  • Educational tourist – These kind of visitors are explore different locations on the bases of education level and professional courses. For this they explores different locations on the bases of their requirement. For this they get proper information through social networking sites.
  • Adventures tourists – These types of tourists are basically wants to explores different locations. For this, they analyse packages and offers of different tourists organisations to choose one of them according to their capacity. Through this, tourism organisations can easily get higher advantages and profitability because these social websites helps to connect them from multiple visitors.
  • Business tourists – According to Strauss and Frost, (2016) These type of visitors are basically prefer those organisations that help them to analyse information of different business and organisation. Their main objective of to build new connection through business modes. For this, Thomson requires to provide effective information to their visitors on the bases of their requirement need. These kind of tourist wants several facilities properly as food, accommodation and convince. In this procedure, they needs to explore proper information through website of this organisation to better know their facilities and services. This focuses on the major issues which has been encountered by travel and tourism in are explained so that major influence could be identified.

Relationship between social media marketing and increase of tourist number

According to Ryan, (2016) Social media platform is a most beneficial point for both tourism organisations and visitors to connect them to each others. Through this, visitors can easily get proper information about the services they wants to get. Some of the specific websites are basically designed to render appropriate information of travel and tourism sectors to visitors. Their main objective is to  provide proper connected information to visitors on the bases of their desire. 

There will be a detailed analysis of the two major issues which are fought off into this segment. The data will be collected in form of charts and graphs which will be further evaluated to gain a better understanding on the subject. Finally, impacts and influence will be ascertained so that contingency plans could be formed. Social media marketing and tourists has direct relation with each others. These kind of platform are beneficial for both of them because through tourists get desirable services and such organisation get higher growth and income as well.

1.4 Research project specification

This consist of major target and aim of evaluation in suitable manner for considering the specified area effectiveness. Basically, key purpose of projecting this research is to evaluate information technology influence in the travel and tourism sector including its different influence. Basically, the industry is evolving its working techniques and nature through setting authentic expertise. This can assist investigator widely along with attaining different practices through helping in regard of corrective path. Majorly, this include numerous questions on which survey questionnaire is structured to reach certain outcome effectively (So and et. al., 2016). This research project will be helpful for organisation in finding best possible solutions so that they can make changes  accordingly and achieve their set targets with adequate manner. The major aim of this research is to analyse the impact of social media within organisation so that tourism can be developed. Researcher can use various data and information regarding topic in the future that would be beneficial in making accurate decisions.

1.5 Plan and procedure for agreed research specification

For a particular research, there must be required to produce effective plan that facilitates in conducting study with well manner. Researcher undertake various aspects such as Gantt Chart and Work Breakdown Structure to make effective plan for different activities. These are essential in managing tasks and handling activities with an adequate manner due to dividing tasks among participants.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 

It is to be considered as the deliverable oriented Breakdown of project among small aspects. It is a key project which support in dividing tasks into a smaller components so that predetermined goals can be attained in well manner. In this organise the team's work where performances are to be considered in manageable sections. In research project, WBS support in completing entire activities to achieve best possible outcomes. In this included various elements such as products, services and data for project study. A WBS is

essential in providing necessary time frame of work and estimated costs with proper guidances so that set objectives can be accomplished. Researcher undertake work breakdown structure to perform various tasks and manage entire activities with adequate way. 

Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is defined as the bar chart that developed as production control tools which used in project management. It represent the entire activities in graphical form that facilitates in making appropriate plan, coordinate as well as track the particular task in project. On the other side, it is considered as the simple version in which chart is created on a graph paper and drawing in raw paper so that better project can be scheduled. It is blue print of project activities that manager undertake while performing the project tasks with well manner. 


In travel and tourism sector, social media has vast impact, through their they can easily build direct connection with inbound and outbound visitors. Social media helps to provide authenticate and specific information of firm, its facilities, services and customer's view. Through this they build direct connection with new tourist. For this, Thomson requires to introduce their services through such kind of platforms. For this they can use -

  • Through this they can build appropriate relation with direct visitors by providing facilitate services.
  • They needs to analyse customer's view and their feedback for making possible changes to provide higher satisfaction to them.
  • They requires to analyse their customer's expectations from them to fulfil through effective manner.
  • Main objective of organisation should have to be provide higher satisfaction to customers by providing quality services to them on affordable cost. 

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2.1 Matching of resources with research question and hypothesis


“To analyze the role of utilizing social media marketing for expanding leisure tourism – A case Study on Thomson UK ” This is framed on the basis of research tittle where researcher was supposed to identify influence of digital technology on travel and tourism organization.


  • To determine the role of social media marketing for enhancing number of leisure tourist
  • To identify the impact of social media marketing on various tourist segmentation
  • To determine the relationship between social media marketing and increase in tourist.

The objectives are framed by scholar after considering all the aspects of research aim. In this focus of scholar is on outlining every bit of detail which can assist in outlining influence of social media advertising on travel and tourism firm Thomson, UK.


The research question are outlined by scholar on the basis of objectives. These are formed to address every objectives with the motive of gaining insight of research aim.

Literature review

This is secondary form of information which is accumulated from already available information via Books, articles, governmental publication, journals, blogs, etc. (Doherty and Dickmann, 2012)

Primary information

This information is based on current findings of scholar which are collected via interview of 20 employees of Thomson travel and tourism firm of UK.


Thematic analysis will be done on the basis of questionnaire which is framed to conducted interview of sampled participants.

2.2 Research investigation on the basis of specification and procedures

Research approach

This method offers planned procedure of conducting study which helps in making systematic data collection and analysis. There are different types of approaches to research like, inductive, inductive, etc. Inductive approach of research enables use of evidence, model and theories for analyzing research outcomes (Gioia, Corley and Hamilton, 2013). Apparently, deductive approach is based on logical and analytical reasoning of dependent and independent variables. Thus, this study is based on inductive research approach where the accumulated information will be related to evidence like references and differences models and theories like social media marketing tool, platforms, etc.

Research Philosophy

It implies to phenomenon of accumulating and analyzing information. There are different type philosophy of research like, interpretivism, positivism, realism, etc. Realism philosophy of research is based on idea of independence from human interests and mind (Research Philosophy, 2018). However, interpretivism is based on study of topic which are of huamn interests where positivism is used in case f natural phenomena whee researcher is bound to compare and analyse properties and relation of two variance. Thus, this study is based on interpretivism research philosophy because the research topic is of human interest where the scholar will outline utilization of social media marketing by Thomson for its expansion plan.


It is segregation and sorting of the best sources or population group which can be viable for gathering relevant information on the basis of research aim.  There are different types of method of sampling like, random, stratified, cluster, probable. In accordance with this it is important for the scholar to make use of the best and appropriate method to avoid biased outcome in the end (Robinson, 2014).  Apparently, researcher used random sampling approach as in this every participant of population has equal and opposite chances of getting selected. In this study sampled participant are 20 employees of Thomson, UK who will help in determining effectiveness of implying social media marketing on expansion leisure tourism plan.

Data collection

It is the process of gathering relevant information to address research question. In this motive of scholar is on analyzing the best method to accumulate information. There are two types of information collection method that is primary and secondary whee primary is based on current facts and findings of researcher. Secondary information is based on facts outlined by authors in the past (Wilcox and, 2012).  The study is based on both type of information that is primary and secondary wherein primary information is gathered via interview of sampled participants with the help of questionnaire. However, secondary information is collected from Books, Journals, articles and blogs are accumulated in literature review with the help of themes.

Data analysis

In this focus of scholar in on outlining findings which helps in drawing findings to denote effectiveness of research aim. There are two type of data analysis method that is qualitative and quantitative wherein qualitative research analysis accumulated information in descriptive form with the helps of thematic analysis (Sultan and Yin Wong, 2013). In quantitative analysis information results are denotes in quantifiable measures with the help of statistical tools. In this study is based on qualitative analysis where researcher framed themes on the basis of questionnaire in order to critically outline every information shared by employee of Thomson on implication of social media marketing.

Ethical consideration

Adhering to ethics is the basic concern which helps the scholar in maintain confidentiality of collected information. In accordance with ethics researcher seeked for permission from management of Thomson, UK for conducting interview of employees. Further, research discussed with employee for participating in review which denotes informed consent and helped in researcher in managing ethical study and outcomes.

2.3 Recording and collating of relevant data





1. Are you aware about use of social media marketing?

  • Yes
  • May be
  • No

2.  Do you feel there is a relationship between social media marketing and increase in number of customers?

  • Yes
  • May be
  • No

3. Which is the best social media platform for marketing?

  • Instagram
  • You Tube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter

4. What is major challenge which come up with implication of social media marketing?

  • Customer
  • Appropriateness of content
  • Limitation of words

5. What is the best advantage of social media advertising?

  • Increasing consumer traffic
  • Customer relationship management
  • Segmentation and targeting

6. Do you believe social media advertising will be effective for expansion of leisure tourism?

  • Yes
  • May be
  • No

7. Do you think implication of Social media marketing requires huge capital investment?

  • Yes
  • May be
  • No

8. You believe that social media marketing for expansion leisure tourism is worth?

  • Yes
  • May be
  • No

Theme 1:

Are you aware about use of social media marketing?




May be




Theme 2:

Do you feel there is a relationship between social media marketing and increase in number of customers?




May be




Theme 3:

Which is the best social media platform for marketing?




You Tube






Theme 4:

What is major challenge which come up with implication of social media marketing?




Appropriateness of content


Limitation of words


Theme 5: 

What is the best advantage of social media advertising?


Increasing consumer traffic


Customer relationship management


Segmentation and targeting


Theme 6: 

Do you believe social media advertising will be effective for expansion of leisure tourism?




May be




Theme 7:

Do you think implication of Social media marketing requires huge capital investment?




May be




Theme 8:

You believe that social media marketing for expansion leisure tourism is worth?




May be





3.1 Appropriate research evaluation technique

Implication of relevant evaluation technique play a crucial role in research analysis because it act as a support for interpretation of accumulated information. There are three types evaluation technique that is formative, planning and summative (What is the difference between formative and summative assessment?, 2018). Planning is used before conducting any assessment that is formative and summative. However, formative sample assessment is based on individual self assessment where the focus of person is on analysis own strengths and weakness to manage improvement. It is actual development during study and therefore self assessment is considered as necessary part of formative evaluation.  

On the other hand, there is summative assessment which is based on standardized test or evaluation which is possible in case of primary data collection. Like in this study scholar conducted interview of 20 employees where questions are based on derived research topic. Thus, it can be said that current study is based on summative evaluation  where focus of scholar was to evaluate effectiveness and utilization of social media advertising for expansion of leisure tourism by Thomson, UK.

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3.2 Interpretation and analysis of data

Theme 1: Yes, employees of Thomson are aware about use of social media marketing

According to theme 1, it is demonstrated that majority of employee of travel and tourism organization were aware about use of social media marketing. With the discussion, it is determined that employee believes that social networking sites offers best platform for promotion and reaching to maximum number of travelers in one click.  Some employee partially aware about online marketing because according to these employees it is the part of digital advancement which helps in marketing via online platforms.  Thus, it can be outline employee of travel firm are aware about the use and influence of online advertising on travelers.

Theme 2: Yes, according to participants there is a relationship between social media marketing and increase in number of customers

In accordance with theme 2, it is identified that according to employee of Thomson there is a relationship between social media marketing and increasing number of traveler because it enables wide reach. Further, marketing on social media platforms allows the business to develop understand over traversal requirement and market trends which is the best source of managing innovation in travel services. Apart from this, the discussion argued by participant who states that social media marketing is effective advertising approach but have no related with increase in travelers because it is promotional schemes of organization which attract potential travelers.

Theme 3: Facebook is the best social media platform for marketing

As per theme 3, it is outlined that Facebook is the best social media marketing tool because every day there is access of 2 million users which denotes increasing consumer traffic on social media platform. Facebook offers simple marketing approach as per other social networking sites and therefore it is considered a most approachable way of marketing. However, as per few employees it was analyzed that Youtube is another socially active site which helps in gaining attention of buyers via sponsored videos an advertisement. In this the company can fix a particular amount with channels for showing off their promotional campaigns. Thus, it can be said that social media marketing is beneficial approach and have varied tool of effective marketing.

Theme 4: Appropriateness of content is the major challenge which come up with implication of social media marketing

In accordance with theme 4, it is identified that employees believe that content is the foremost priority of companies when focus on social media advertising. It is the information which is passed by company to gain attention of traveler. The employees articulated with example of leisure tourism where the travel will shared detailed information about different packages and plans of expansion. Thus, the discussion clearly states about importance of content relevancy which can be disastrous for Thomson if not managed in proper way.

Theme 5: Customer relationship management is the best advantage of social media advertising

As per theme 5, it is determined that customer relationship management is the best advantage of social media marketing because in this firm is able to directly communicated with travelers. With the help of this it becomes easy for the enterprise to understand changing market expectation which helps in managing systematic innovation and improvement in relevant areas.

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Theme 6: Yes, employees of Thomson believe that social media advertising will be effective for expansion of leisure tourism

As per theme 6, it is articulated that majority of employees believe that implication of social media marketing will be effective in case of expansion plan because it will help in creating awareness among customers. It will allow the firm to flaunt changes and implication market trends during expansion of leisure tourism.  On the other hand, few employee argued that social media marketing is not doubt effective tool for promotion but it neglects customers who are not socially active.

Theme 7: Yes, according to employees Social media marketing requires huge capital investment

As per theme 7, it is demonstrated that employee believe that social media marketing is costly process because in this the travel firm will need to make regular changes in promotion campaigns and advertisement to attract travelers. However, the participants discussed about benefits of social media marketing which response of worldwide travelers.  On the other hand, some respondents argue about incurring cost in online promotion which is managed by consumer traffic on official website of firm.

Theme 8: Yes, employee feels social media marketing for expansion leisure tourism is worth investment

In accordance with theme 8, it is identified that as per employees of Thomson social media advertising is costly process but is effective for implying for expansion because it will assist in increasing travelers traffic on official website for the queries. It will help in creating interest among viewers and traveler which is the best approach of maximizing returns and managing cost which incurred when promoting expansion on social networking sites.  

3.3 Recommendation

As per the study it is determined that majority of sampled participants agreed to use of social media advertising for expansion of leisure tourism by Thomson but there were critical view's employee for which some recommendation can be made that are discussed below:

  • The travel firm should adopt social media marketing because the incurred cost in social advertisement is long term investment and helps the firm in making wide reach of services (Wood and, 2013).
  • Thomson should make use of social media promotional because it enables access of different type of travelers on one strategy (Okazaki and Taylor, 2013).
  • The company should make use of online marketing because it reduces waste of time and helps in managing consumer traffics.
  • It is effective tool of promotion which enables simplified segmenting and targeting of traveler.


The study concluded with implication of social media marketing and its effectiveness of travel firm Thomson. It articulates interview of 20 employees of travel firm with the help of thematic analysis. In accordance with discussion, it can be summarized the utilisation of social media marketing is beneficial for successful expansion of leisure tourism.

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